Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sure...why not?

Here we go! A demo. I will be teaching a course on WizIQ tomorrow April 22 at 4:45...not sure how this works but I am teaching a social skills class at Buffalo State and I would like to try out this application as I will be asking students to use this application to create a parent tutorial. I will require them to post the links to their parent education classes on their blogs which can be found on my second blogroll on the left...I will let you know how it goes. But if you are interested, I think you can watch...here is the link Parental Involvement and Social Skills Come and check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren,
    Good for you for trying out a new tool with your students. I'm going to try to join you. I've attended some sessions in WizIQ but never done one myself. I admire your willingness to learn by doing!
    Dr. Burgos


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